Current Time In China

Monday, October 13, 2008

October 2008 3 years into our Journey

"The Pumpkin Patch at Davis Ranch, Sloughhouse, CA, October 12, 2008"

Hannah, Gabby and our Godson jackson Cromwell.

We are so very thankful that God prompted us to go and find the child He had choosen for us to call our own! She was born in China on Feb 15 2007 and He prompted in our hearts the news that she was out there October 6, 2005! He knows us by name before we were ever formed in the womb. God had great plans for her and great plans for us and we are so thankful He choose us for each other. We arrived in China Jan 2, 2008 and we had Gabby placed in our arms on Jan 6th here at home or by China's dates it was already Jan 7th. She became officially ours on Jan 8th in China and this is the date of her grandparents wedding anniversary! Gabby was so little she was almost 11 months old fitting into 6 month old clothing. She could not sit up all the way, could not crawl and ate thick formula from a bottle. She was born with bilateral cleft lip and palate and while the lip was repaired in October of 2007, she didn't have her palate fixed until home in the states in March of 2008. She is now almost 20 months old and goes to preschool. She sings songs, dances, runs, climbs, and charms all she encounters. She truly is thriving and we are all blessed to have one another. Gabby has taught us so much and she has brought us closer together in all of our relationships. We have begun to grasp the awesomeness of God's love and protection and we have witnessed miracles upon miracles. I will post more pictures later but for now I wanted to share with you all that God's love is perfect and His protection Supreme above all things!!! Thanks be to Him for all good and precious gifts which come from above! Thank you for our little angel! Blessings and happy fall. To my sons whom are in God's hands may the Spirit of The Lord come upon you and fill your heart and mind and soul with a message of love from me and the knowledge that my love for you grows deeper and purer each and everyday. I miss you dearly and trust that God is working for good in each of our lives so that in His timing we may reunite and kill the fatted calf and have the party of the century. I love you boys!