Current Time In China

Sunday, December 30, 2007

The Grandkids

This is all the Grandkids, while we are still waiting on 4 to join us, Gabriella in China, Charlie, Christian and Chase in Elk Grove. May God bless each and everyone now and always and may His peace be part of their lives to comfort and guide them.-amen

Christmas 2008

We celebrated Christmas this year at Grandmother Beverly and Grandpa Chuck's home in Bass Lake CA. (it snowed the day after we left-of course) It was wonderful to be "at home" again with my sisters and their families. The first time since we were all under one roof as kids. What a blessing and good times by all! Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday Jesus!

UPS Brings The Travel Invitation from China!

Rich showed up right on time again this time bringing our official Travel Invitation to China. It contained our Itinerary for in country China travel and the costs, fees and official match to our little Gabriella! Yipee! We are now underway with packing etc. Thanks, Rich and UPS!!!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Sacramento, CA

China Coastal Time

Friday, November 16, 2007

We Have our LOA

Here's daddy signing the official LOA to send back to China. LOA is a Letter of Approval for us to adopt our little "Ai Mei Lian" Gabriella MaryMei. I signed it and we checked the box, YES, we accept! It was recieved in Grand Rapids at our Agency on Nov 8, 2007 they sent to us you saw the UPS guy bring it in our blog. Nov 9th. Then I took to Kevin to sign at work and we sent out to Grand Rapids for Mon Nov 12. They turned around and sent to CCAA Monday at 10:30 am, Nov 12, 2007. It is somewhere in China now and once recieved and processed they will issue us a TI. Travel Invitaion. This is what we are waiting for now and once we get it we will get the next available consualte appointment scheduled and then travel two weeks prior to the appointment. So, they are currently scheduling the 3rd week in Dec. They are closed Dec 25th so when we get our TI the next appointment may not be until end of Dec or first week of Jan. This still means wew travel in Dec because it is two weeks prior that we leave. The consulate appointment is the last thing you do to finalize before you come home! We may be gone for Christmas, we may be gone and back before Christmas and we may be gone for New Year's and our birhtdays(Jan2 and Jan6) However it works out we know it is God's timing and we thank you all for following along! Praise God for His love and mercy! blessings!-Hayley

Sunday, November 11, 2007


This is Rich the UPS guy who showed up with two minutes to spare. lol He got lost! The important thing in he found us and when he found out what he was delivering he was really happy and apolgetic. He said had he known he would have come to us first! (He still didn't know where to find us the boarding kennel where Skieter and Roxy stay sent him our direction, get this, when he pulled over and asked for directions!) His sister adopted form India and he was thankful to be a part of our journey in bringing home Gabby! Anyhow, he gave me permission to snap a photo and add him to Gabby's lifebook and our blog! I waited for Hannah to get off the bus for minimum day then we headed to Kev's work for signatures as we had to turn around and get it back out by 330pm. We got it all done! Whew, you wait and wait and then have to rush and rush! What a journey. Thank you Lord for taking care of everything! What a blessing to be a part of this plan He has designed! Blessings-Hayley

Saturday, October 27, 2007

We are Getting Closer!

Gabriella MaryMei you have been chosen by God to be loved and nurtured by the Friedman Family. He knew you before you were ever formed in your mother's womb and He knew that you would need a family to call your own. He has prompted and prepared their hearts to go to China where you born; on Feb 15, 2007; and pick you up and bring you home to America. He has prepared a permanent place for you for all of eternity and that is in Heaven with Him and until that day He has orchestrated a perfect union into the Friedman Family as a full member of the family with all of the love and privileges and blessings that go along with it! You have been loved before you were made known to this family and they have prayed for you before you were ever born. God has prepared them, they are ready and now they wait for travel permission from CCAA (China Center of Adoption Affairs) to come and get you! They hope to have you home by Christmas, but trust His timing is perfect and they will continue to wait opon the Lord!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Christmas Morning at my parents home in Bass Lake, CA. Hannah and I were hoping this would be the first Christmas with a new little sister. The wait is growing and growing and our patience is not on the same growth chart. We are doing our best to adjust. We will be at home for our first Christmas as a new formed family, now I hope it will be Dec of 2007 but as things are going, it may just be 2008! yikes!