Current Time In China

Friday, November 16, 2007

We Have our LOA

Here's daddy signing the official LOA to send back to China. LOA is a Letter of Approval for us to adopt our little "Ai Mei Lian" Gabriella MaryMei. I signed it and we checked the box, YES, we accept! It was recieved in Grand Rapids at our Agency on Nov 8, 2007 they sent to us you saw the UPS guy bring it in our blog. Nov 9th. Then I took to Kevin to sign at work and we sent out to Grand Rapids for Mon Nov 12. They turned around and sent to CCAA Monday at 10:30 am, Nov 12, 2007. It is somewhere in China now and once recieved and processed they will issue us a TI. Travel Invitaion. This is what we are waiting for now and once we get it we will get the next available consualte appointment scheduled and then travel two weeks prior to the appointment. So, they are currently scheduling the 3rd week in Dec. They are closed Dec 25th so when we get our TI the next appointment may not be until end of Dec or first week of Jan. This still means wew travel in Dec because it is two weeks prior that we leave. The consulate appointment is the last thing you do to finalize before you come home! We may be gone for Christmas, we may be gone and back before Christmas and we may be gone for New Year's and our birhtdays(Jan2 and Jan6) However it works out we know it is God's timing and we thank you all for following along! Praise God for His love and mercy! blessings!-Hayley

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