Current Time In China

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Gabriella is a true bundle of Joy!

opps. I hit the wrong button. Now I am lost because I cna't view what I sent. So here goes. Gabby is 17 lbs and wears the 6-9 month clothing I brought for her. Her torso is long and her legs little! She does not crawl yet or stand on her own. She is delayed as she like all the rest are not put down to crawl. They ar ebundled so much as they do not run the heater in the orphange except for about 10-15 days a year when it is the codlest! It is very expensive to run I was told. So they wer layers upon layers. They can't really move. Gabby is so thrilled to see her hands. She thinks they are really cool. She checks them out all the time. She is already in two days with her learning and growing. She loves us and we love her! Kevin fed her the first solid food tday and she and he did great. Did I already tell you that? Things get run together.

She is bonding with me well and I pray this continues She loves her daddy and big sister too! She thinks they are funny! She laughs when they do silly things and we all get a big kick out of that!
She is a happy little girl who is filled with joy!

I will post later.

tomorrow is a free day here so we need to go get more baby suplies. We will see the local things on our own and walk in the park. We will take lots of pictures of Gabby in her Province as we don't know when we will be able to bring her to visit.

Adoption has been registered and it is official here in China, Gabby is our little girl. She is a Friedman! Love to you all-Hayley


Anonymous said...

Welcome to your forever family Miss Gabby! You are a special child of God's and He loves you so much that He coordinated all this out to get you to your family!!

You are loved beyond measure,
Heather Luke

Terry said...

Hayley, Gabby is so beautiful! I can't wait to see more! Terry (from the COP yahoo group)

Anonymous said...

She is beautiful Hayley and congrats to you and your family!!! We are thinking about you and wish you and your family the best.
