Current Time In China

Monday, January 7, 2008

Last Dinner in Beijing, Dinner at Traditional Chinese Cuisine

I had a wonderful last day in Beijing, I celebrated my birthday with wonderful families who have traveled to China for their family addition as well! I was able to help others find last minute shopping and I lost one of the guys, so I stayed in one spot so he could see me, yes, right in the foot massage chair! lol A good time and great deals were had by all but at any given moment any one of us could be seen holding back tearful emotion at the anticipation of the next day.

So most of us went to dinner at the "traditional Chinese resturant" based on Joy's recomendation, and we invited her along as our guest!

Great stories were shared and I guess they all thought I was a bit crazy to say no to eggplant after they found out I ate Cui in Peru( deep fried guine pig, yes the head, eyes, everything still in tact.) "Takes like chicken!" No not really it taste like duck, very heavy and greasy, but when in Peru..... So now in China we all ate traditional dishes and everyone said it was the best yet!!!

The Hotel sent me up a birthday cake. A whole cake that said, Happy Birthday! How cool was that! Thank you Days Inn Beijing!!!
Well, tomorrow is the big day and that will be today back home, so....I recieved Gabby at 255 PM on Jan 7th in nanjing but, alas at home it is 1055PM on Jan 6th at home, so I got Gabby on my birthday at home and here in Nanjing we are now Jan 7th. Make sense?

This post is going up Jan 7th China time, but these events took place yesterday China Time.

Blessings. Keeping things in order I hope so now I will sign off and then post Gotcha Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-Hayley

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